Monday, November 24, 2008


The Vincent Chin case and the L.A Riots are such monumental events in Asian American history because it shows the struggle the asian community goes through as we struggle to live in this country. Ever since I was a little kid, I learned only a little about the history of the asian community. After taking this class, i realized that the blacks were not the only race that struggled through all this, we had to go through it too. These events are very important to remember because the people that were hurt and killed during these incidents at the time impacted how our civil rights were being violated because of our race. The asian community learned out of all these incidents. We have evolved out of it. We used these past problems and made solutions out of it to protect each other from letting it happen as often. There will always be people out there that hate us,

Monday, November 10, 2008

Blog 6

Describe the differences in what you see so far between the first wave Asian immigrants and the second wave Asian immigrants. Do the two groups deal with the same issues?

The immigrants who arrived in the US after 1965 were predominantly highly educated professionals from the upper classes. They came to the US to pursue educational or occupational opportunities: frequently as doctors or engineers. A second wave of immigrants came to the US in the wake of model minority. These immigrants were frequently relatives of their predecessors and were generally not professionally educated. They comrpise a "merchant class, operating restaurants, grocery and liquor stores, etc". The new immigrants saw the United States as a land of opportunity and possibilities. Many of the second wave immigrants left China because of the rebellions occurring in China. The Cultural Revolution of 1949 in China created an unstable government and political unrest.